Sam Sachs Is The West Windsor, NJ DWI Defense Lawyer
Who Can Stand Up To Your Drunk Driving Charges And Fight!


As you search through the West Windsor, NJ DWI DUI defense lawyer options available to fight your DUI / DWI in NJ, you’ll have many attorneys to select from. Which one is right for you?

Consider your options wisely when searching for a New Jersey DWI attorney – and be sure to ask questions such as….

  • How much do you charge for your initial consultation?
  • How can I get in contact with you when I have questions?
  • Can you tell me about your fee structure?
  • What payment options do you offer?
  • Tell me about your experience? Your successes?
  • What is your philosophy to handling drunk driving cases?

Hiring an experienced attorney to help fight a DUI / DWI in NJ is the first step in attacking your charges.

With Sam Sachs, you will get a New Jersey DWI attorney with years of experience as a defense attorney, prosecutor and municipal court judge. Leverage his experience and his free initial consultation to help determine if he is the right West Windsor, NJ DWI defense lawyer for you.

Attorney Sachs is very reachable — normally available by phone or by email – and even offers emergency service so you can reach him immediately when necessary.

Attorney Sachs makes it easy for you to pay for your services as well, accepting all four of the major credit cards.

When it comes to his philosophy on handling DWI cases, Sam Sachs will doggedly fight your DWI in NJ to the very end, placing the burden of proof where it belongs – on the prosecution. His defense strategy can increase the chances of getting your charges reduced — or possibly even dropped — while making the entire process as stress free as possible.

Get the help you need from an experienced New Jersey DWI attorney. Contact Sam Sachs at [number type=”1″] or via email at